Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Watermelon In A Cup - Death by Skittles

Today is a very sad day in Watermelon In A Cup history.

Yesterday afternoon a series of events took place that ended in the death of our little friend (Who, from here on out, will be lovingly referred to a Mitch... in memory of the late comedian, Mitch Hedberg, who also died way too soon).

Lets just say that some co-workers of mine decided they needed to eat some Skittles out of a 3lb bag that was doubling as the counterweight to the plant light. The Skittle bag was not returned to it's proper storage location and within the hour the light slowly descended upon Mitch and snuffed out his life source.

A short memorial service was held for Mitch and today, myself and several of my co-workers are wearing watermelon ribbons to keep his memory alive. It's sad when you think of how strong he was a few short days ago... and now - frail and lifeless. He has ascended to the mighty watermelon patch in the sky.

It is no secret that Mitch's favorite musical artist was Josh Groban (It seems like it was all he listened to) so it was such a treat that Mr. Groban made the following video in Memory of Mitch, the Watermelon In A Cup.

Mitch, you will be missed. Goodbye dear friend.
Please leave your kind words in the comments below.

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